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The Washington Flyers' Club, Inc. is a 501.c3 non-profit corporation and social organization for pilots. Our clubhouse is on the grounds of the Washington County Airport (KAFJ), Washington, PA, where we have been in existence since 1952. In January 2013 membership was opened to include unlicensed aviation enthusiasts. There is a membership application fee and annual dues.

The club is governed by an elected board of directors. Monthly meetings include programs geared to general aviation information and education and are followed by social time. The club owns no aircraft but does provide contact through our membership to locally based flying partnerships. We generally meet the first Friday of every month at 7PM in the clubhouse.

Club Mission Statement...  “To establish an organization of aviation enthusiasts to stimulate a general interest in aviation, to promote the advancement of aviation safety through seminars, workshops and support for its members, to educate the general public in the history of aviation, to stimulate an interest in private aviation throughout Washington County, to support youth organizations, like the local Civil Air Patrol, and to provide a club for the social enjoyment of its members.”

Member Portal — Club members can request login credentials by contacting the club president. Registered users can retrieve current gate and door passcodes and other documents pertaining to the club.

Washington Flyers' Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.

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A Simple Sidebar

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